Jamaica Gleaner Commentary

Published: Monday Saturday | February 7, 2009

Parenting and schooling
At Wednesday's Gleaner Editors' Forum, Nadine Molly, president of the Association of Principals and Vice-Principals, made the teachers' frustration with their assessment very clear.She said: "The parents have abdicated... Read More...

Around and around they go
Samuel Goldwyn, the famous Hollywood producer, was famous, even during his lifetime, for 'Goldwynisms', which came after 'malapropisms' and pre-dated 'Bushisms' and other 'isms'that perpetrate grievous bodily harm on the English language. - Tony Deyal Read More...

Issue: Social workers should do more monitoring
The Editor, Sir:Jamaica is crying out for role models for our young ones. All they have now are the examples being set by our various singers, some good and some bad. Read More...