Is religion safe?
The Virginia Tech massacre is merely the latest and most deadly of such gruesome school killings in the United States, the most religious of the advanced industrial democracies. Why do those heinous tragedies not take place in post-Christian and largely godless Europe? (Boyne)
Brian Lara's retirement and cricket's legacy
The retirement of Brian Lara means that for the first time since the West Indies achieved Test status in 1928, the team will not have one of the truly great players in the world among its members. (Buddan)
Funeral rites and popular culture
The following article was submitted by The Public Theology Forum, an ecumenical group of local ministers of religion and theologians.
Budgeting for a miracle
Each year, Dr. Omar Davies, Minister of Finance, is asked to perform a miracle, and we are partly sympathetic to the pressure of such high demands.
For a better Jamaica
In carrying out research at the Gleaner Company last year for a film project I am working on, I was reintroduced to some glaring, bloody and depressing headlines in The STAR and The Gleaner from the mid to late 1960s on crime and violence that plagued Jamaica then. (Reynolds)
Should judges' age of retirement be higher?
There are reports that the Government has been considering introducing legislation to raise the retirement age of the judges of the Supreme Court from 70 to 72. At Independence, the age was 65 but it was subsequently increased to 70 - a substantial leap. (Hay)