LETTER OF THE DAY - The school fees chaos
THE EDITOR, Sir: THE PRESENT situation with school fees is at best chaotic. There are school fees, reduced school fees, frozen school fees, school fees dressed up as PTA contribution, school fees pretending to be development fund...
Jamaica Public Service needs competition
THE EDITOR, Sir: I READ Mr. John P.Azar's open letter to the Jamaica Public Service Company (JPS) in The Gleaner earlier this week, and I must say I really share his deep sense of pain and frustration.
Proceed with caution
THE EDITOR, Sir: I READ with some misgiving your article in The Sunday Gleaner of August 21 concerning young women being recruited for work in Dubai.
Dismantling garrisons
THE PRIME Minister is reported to have said recently that garrisons cannot be dismantled by the Government unless people's freedoms are infringed. Whether or not people's freedom are infringed, government needs to find...
Not low-skilled
THE EDITOR, Sir: AFTER READING staff reporter Dionne Rose's article in The Gleaner (August 22, Page A7) about the Labour Ministry soliciting low-skilled jobs for Jamaicans in Canada, particularly Nova Scotia...