Golding says goodbye to Rhone

Published: Wednesday | September 16, 2009

Smile Orange's writer Trevor Rhone. - File

WHISPERS OF "what" swept across Gordon House, the seat of the nation's parliament yesterday, then a stony silence as Prime Minister Bruce Golding paid tribute to the life of theatre giant Trevor Rhone.

Rhone died yesterday at the Medical Associates Hospital in St Andrew. He was 69.

Prime Minister Golding said Rhone was a "giant of the Jamaican theatre". "He was certainly one of the most accomplished, most outstanding of our playwrights and directors," Golding said.

Opposition Spokesperson on Information, Youth and Culture, Lisa Hanna, expressed sadness at the passing of Rhone. She urged the Government to "look at a way that we can best celebrate his life".

Culture Minister Olivia Grange, Transport Minister Mike Henry and House Speaker Delroy Chuck also paid tribute to the life of Rhone.