PSOJ saddened by the passing of Blades

Published: Wednesday | September 16, 2009


The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) has come out to say the organisation is saddened at the passing of Desmond Blades.

In a release, the PSOJ referred to Blades as "a stalwart of the Jamaican private sector".

Further, the release pointed to Blades' long and important history with the organisation.

"He was an ardent supporter of the PSOJ's policies and pro-grammes and served as a vice-president as well as a member of the PSOJ's council, the highest decision-making body within the organisation," the release read. In 2002, Blades was recognised by the PSOJ for having a successful business career and contributing to the growth and development of the private sector.

Hall of Fame

It was then that the organisation inducted him into the Private Sector Hall of Fame, making him the 10th of the 16 private-sector leaders who have so far received the prestigious honour.

"Blades was a visionary and consummate planner, a dynamic leader, demonstrated keen business acumen and had a strong determination to excel in whatever he undertook," the PSOJ said.

Blades, the head of the Musson Group, is credited with building his organisation from being solely a distribution company into a group of companies which included manufacturing and packaging entities.

"The PSOJ is proud of the long relationship which the organisation enjoyed with this business icon."