Jamaica Gleaner Lead Stories

Published: Monday Wednesday | September 16, 2009

Classroom chaos - Ministry places grade 10 students in school which ends at grade nine
The Ministry of Education has placed more than 100 students who sat the Grade Nine Achievement Test (GNAT) in grade 10 at a school which, up to the start of this school year, did not have any such grade. Administrators at the Steer Town Primary and Junior High School... Read More...

Bolt, OJ, to drive on 'his own' highway
Usain Bolt, the fastest man on Earth, is to be accorded the nation's fourth-highest honour, the Order of Jamaica, Prime Minister Bruce Golding announced yesterday in a statement to Parliament. This award will make Bolt the youngest-ever recipient... Read More...

Golding says goodbye to Rhone
WHISPERS OF "what" swept across Gordon House, the seat of the nation's parliament yesterday, then a stony silence as Prime Minister Bruce Golding paid tribute to the life of theatre giant Trevor Rhone. Read More...

As Rhone passes, loved ones remember legacy
Trevor Rhone, arguably Jamaica's greatest playwright, is dead. The 69-year-old Rhone died yesterday at a Kingston hospital after suffering a heart attack. The husky-voiced Rhone is best known for a series of plays that are ranked among the finest in local theatre... Read More...

Gleaner lands Fair Play Awards
The media in Jamaica were reminded of their responsibility to promote positive national development, even while being fêted at yesterday's Jamaica Broilers Group Fair Play Awards held at the Hilton Kingston hotel. The yearly awards ceremony honours local journalists... Read More...

School's programmes could suffer
The Education ministry's decision to place 115 grade 10 students at the Steer Town Primary and Junior High School could put the brakes on a transformation programme that has started to bear fruit at the institution.Over the past three years... Read More...

JTA wants an end to pit toilets at schools
The Primary committee of the Jamaica Teachers' Association (JTA) is recommending that the Ministry of Education abandon the use use of pit toilets in schools and replace them with water closets. According to the primary committee, which recently presented its report ... Read More...

Lightbourne mum on Dudus issue
Senior government officials are remaining quiet on the extradition request from the United States for west Kingston strongman Christopher 'Dudus' Coke despite increasing calls from the public for more information. For most of the past three weeks... Read More...

Parliamentary committee livid with PCJ
PRESSURE IS mounting on the Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica (PCJ) as another parliamentary committee castigated the agency for a questionable transaction at the agency three years ago. Members of Parliament's Public... Read More...

Kameka case ends in guilty verdicts
The three men charged with the murder of Assistant Police Commissioner Gilbert Kameka have been found guilty.They are 26-year-old Massinissa Adams of Industry Village, 18-year-old Kemar Dawson of Standpipe and 21-year-old Rohan Townsend of Irish Town... Read More...

Am I able to apply for a Jamaican passport for someone living overseas?
An application for a passport can only be made within the locale of the applicant. Applications are, therefore, facilitated through the Jamaican consulates, embassies and high commissions in various parts of the world for the convenience of Jamaicans overseas... Read More...

Portmore gangs under threat
GANGS in the St Catherine South Police Division, especially Newlands in Portmore, are being dismantled by a pair of fugitive apprehension teams, resulting in the capture of 38 wanted persons, some of whom have been convicted... Read More...

PSOJ saddened by the passing of Blades
The Private Sector Organisation of Jamaica (PSOJ) has come out to say the organisation is saddened at the passing of Desmond Blades.In a release, the PSOJ referred to Blades as "a stalwart of the Jamaican private sector". Further, the release pointed to Blades'... Read More...

More police officers needed to tackle crime
At least 4,000 additional policemen and women are needed to effectively collar crime, says Minister of National Security Dwight Nelson. "I say to everybody, I would love to hear complaints that the police is stopping me too often... Read More...

Local youth returns from leadership summit at Harvard
Leeann Dunkley, a grade-12 student from Clarendon at the American International School of Kingston, recently returned from Boston, Massachusetts, in the United States, where she attended a People to People Leadership Summit at the Harvard... Read More...