Bolt, OJ, to drive on 'his own' highway

Published: Wednesday | September 16, 2009


Usain Bolt, the fastest man on Earth, is to be accorded the nation's fourth-highest honour, the Order of Jamaica, Prime Minister Bruce Golding announced yesterday in a statement to Parliament.

This award will make Bolt the youngest-ever recipient of the Order of Jamaica. Bolt recently celebrated his 23rd birthday.

In making the announcement, Golding noted that when the honour was bestowed on the world-record holder in both the 100 and 200 metres, he would be referred to as 'The Honourable' Mr Bolt.

In recognition of the outstanding record-breaking performance by Bolt at both the Olympics in Beijing, China, and his recent mind-boggling run at the World Championships in Athletics in Berlin, Germany, Golding said Highway 2000 would be renamed after the sprint sensation.

Golding also disclosed that Bolt has been made an ambassador-at-large for Jamaica. He said the decision was made by the Cabinet on Monday.

The prime minister also paid tribute to all the athletes who represented the country with distinction at the World Championships.

Brigitte's encouragement

However, he singled out 100 metres hurdler Brigitte Foster-Hylton for taking home gold in that event. He noted that Foster-Hylton was encouraged by her coach, Stephen Francis, to participate in another World Championships after she had indicated a desire to retire from the sport.

The prime minister also hailed 400 metres hurdler Danny McFarlane for equalling the record of race walker Tim Berrett in registering the highest number of appearances at World Championship events - nine.

Opposition Leader Portia Simpson Miller, in her comments, lauded the Government for recognising Bolt for his outstanding achievements.