Delays bother Spencer defence
Published: Wednesday | November 18, 2009
KERN SPENCER'S attorney, Patrick Atkinson, has expressed concern over the long delay in the trial of his client.
Spencer, the member of parliament for North East St Elizabeth, is accused of benefiting improperly from the implementation of an energy-saving light-bulb programme.
Along with his former personal assistant, Coleen Wright, Spencer has been charged with corruption and money laundering.
Yesterday, Atkinson said that the delay was unwelcome.
The trial has been stalled since October and will not resume until January 4.
Yesterday, lead prosecutor Paula Llewellyn handed over transcripts of recorded conversations involving Spencer and the Crown's star witness, Rodney Chin, to defence counsel. She also handed over copies of further statements collected. The handover took place in the Corporate Area Resident Magistrate's Court, where the matter was mentioned.
Resident Magistrate Judith Pusey said that the transcripts were not admissible as they were hearsay evidence.
However, Atkinson protested. He said it may be allowed and has signalled that he may rely on it to discredit Chin as a witness.