Our leaders have forgotten their duties

Published: Wednesday | November 4, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

It seems that the only ones unaware of the present state of our country are those we, the people, gave the opportunity to govern this proud nation. The world over acknowledges that Jamaica has delved into a precipice of self-destruction, all under the stewardship and bad driving of this Bruce Golding-led administration; and if not handled carefully, with the interests of the people in mind, then we risk the downward spiralling of the country into a socio-economic and political fiasco.

That is the seriousness of the plight that I fear this Government fails to recognise consistently.

This Government needs to realise that they are the servants of the people (as is the nature of a democracy) and that the onus is on us, citizens of this country - young, old, rich or poor - to remind them, our leaders, of their duties.

I am, etc.,

K. Joseph


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