Sexuality overused

Published: Wednesday | October 28, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

The practice of using subliminal as well as overt sexual messages to sell and market products is overused, and in the case of Jamaica sends a potentially dangerous message to consumers.

Using this approach in particular to sell and market roots/tonic wines and energy drinks, products which generally appeal to the fun-loving party-going generation, which includes young adults and high school students, sends a message of wanton abandonment, and in some instances carefree sexual escapades where stamina means everything.

Positive influences

Call me prudish, but a conscious effort must be made to provide positive influences to especially our young people who are constantly bombarded with negative influences evidenced in, for example, broken family life and raunchy music. The recently held Art of Can exhibition hosted by Red Bull is a perfect example of innovative marketing. While the product promises to 'give you wings', consumers were provided with other options, that is, using the container to make art pieces to add decor to their homes as well as wearable art.

This type of positive re-inforcement is especially critical in a society where violence, lewd behaviour and irresponsible sex are constantly with us. Let's change our outlook from 'sex sells' to innovative and out-of-the-box marketing.

I am etc.,

Claudia Thompson


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