Jamaica Gleaner Profiles in Medicine

Published: Monday Wednesday | October 28, 2009

Ban cigarette smoking in public, say young people
A study was recently done in Jamaica as part of the Global Youth Survey. In this study, seven in 10 students thought smoking should be banned in public places. We must commend our young people for their foresight and wisdom. The fact is studies have shown... Read More...

Grow old with your teeth
When I was little, many of the elderly people I knew were toothless. I actually thought that losing teeth was a natural part of ageing. It is not. If we care our gums and teeth, we can grow old and keep our own teeth. The health of our teeth and gums... Read More...

Tips for breast cancer prevention
We are convinced that genetics play a significant role in breast cancer risk but there is also evidence that risk is impacted by factors such as food and nutrition and physical activity. A report published by the American Institute for Cancer Research... Read More...

Be supermarket savvy
What we bring into our homes from the supermarket can make a huge difference in just how healthily we eat. Registered dietitian, Dave Grotto of Elmhurst, Ill, author of 101 Foods That Could Save Your Life, led a tour through the supermarket to help consumers eat healthy... Read More...

Health trends
Access to injectable contraceptives - Increased demand for injectable contraceptives and overburdened health systems have led several countries to explore non-clinic-based mechanisms for providing this method. Read More...