No mean feat

Published: Friday | September 25, 2009

From left: Managing director of The Gleaner Company, Oliver Clarke, Miss Jamaica World 2009 Kerrie Baylis and, long-service award recipient Margaret Nembhard enjoy the festivities. - Peta-Gaye Clachar/Freelance Photographer

Forty years at an institution is no mean feat, especially if your looks belie that, but for Margarette Nembhard this is the case as she has done so without looking far removed from 40 years of age.

On Tuesday Nembhard was among 21 persons recognised for long service to one of the oldest newspapers in the western hemisphere.

Nembhard joined The Gleaner Company Ltd in June 1969 in a clerical position in the circulation department. Nembhard, who grew up in Port Maria, St Mary, moved to Kingston the same year she got the job.

"I saw the job being advertised in The Gleaner, in the circulation department, and I applied for it. I first started in the subscription position," she said.

Up the ranks

Since then she has worked her way up the ranks and is now the supervisor of administration in the circulation department.

Nembhard has seen many changes at the newspaper, one of the most notable being the move by the media conglomerate from its Harbour Street offices to its present location at 7 North Street in July of 1969.

She has also seen the media landscape broaden. "There is a lot of change, a lot of competition, people have more choices now, back then people looked to the newspaper for their information."

Enjoyed her time

Nembhard said that she has enjoyed her time at The Gleaner.

"Yes, I have enjoyed my time here. Initially, I didn't see myself staying on but The Gleaner has become another family."

When not spending quality time with The Gleaner family, the mother of two said she enjoys watching television. Not any TV, but detective shows, throwbacks such as Walker Texas Ranger and Matlock, or newbies such as C.S.I: Miami or Law and Order. Asked if she sees herself anywhere else than The Gleaner Nembhard chuckled and said home.

After 40 years of service the line between home and work may well be blurred, much to the benefit of The Gleaner Company.

Easton Green, who received his award for 10 years of service to The Gleaner, gets the paparazzi treatment alongside Miss Jamaica World 2009 Kerrie Baylis. - Peta-Gaye Clachar/Freelance Photographer

Deputy managing director of The Gleaner, Christopher Barnes, presents Marva Walker (right) with her award while Miss Jamaica World Kerrie Baylis looks on.

Photographer Rudolph Brown (right) seems quite pleased as he accepts his long-service award for 20 years of service from Deputy Managing Director of The Gleaner Company Christopher Barnes. Helping out is the lovely Kerrie Baylis, Miss Jamaica World 2009.

Tanya Dennis-Davis chats with Teddy McCook at The Gleaner's Long Service Awards at the company's North Street office on Monday.

Fifteen-year Gleaner-honouree Alfred Nicholas wasn't about to miss out on a photograph with Miss Jamaica World Kerrie Baylis.

Managing editor of The Gleaner, Jenni Campbell, gets her award and hearty congratulations from Professor Gerald Lalor.

The Gleaner's Advertising Manager Yvonne Senior-Moore (right) receives her award for 15 years of service to the company from Professor Gerald Lalor and Miss Jamaica World 2009 Kerrie Baylis.

The funny bones of Gleaner advertising manager Yvonne Senior-Moore (right) and her deputy, Nordia Craig, are tickled as the enjoy the company's Long Service Awards.

Corporate Affairs Manager Karin Cooper, Collin Bourne and Mary Dick chit-chat at the luncheon.

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