Total body sculpting

Published: Wednesday | September 2, 2009

Body sculpting is quite popular among exercise enthusiasts. Body sculpting exercises are used extensively to achieve the perfect shape which we think we should have.

Body-sculpting exercises do help to improve our muscles. However, the perfect shape that we dream of may be elusive. Body-sculpting exercises have been used to try to do a total makeover, or just to target specific body parts, such as the trunk, bust, waistline and hips. Sculpting sexy legs for women and outstanding chest muscles and 'six packs' in men are some of the most prized achievements.

An overall sculpting of the body is the ideal approach to follow in order to get the best results. When a few parts of the body are targeted, the omitted parts are likely to be weaker and less able to provide the synergy needed to produce the balance and coordination necessary for normal movement and function.

Body-sculpting exercises are quite useful in toning and developing muscles to provide you with the physique that others yearn for. Some of us have found it necessary to devote a total exercise session to body sculpting. However, it is always better to complement body-sculpting exercises with some form of cardiovascular workout to maximise the benefits of our efforts.

Do sets of 10 reps

Sculpting exercises can be initiated with one or two sets of 10 repetitions of resistance exercises. As improvements are noted, the number of repetitions or the number of sets should be increased gradually in order to get the best results.

Total body-sculpting exercises are ideal if time is at a premium. Our busy schedule often limits how much time we devote to exercising. When we have limited time, we can combine the types of exercises. This requires a good knowledge of how the specific muscle or muscle groups can be targeted to work simultaneously and efficiently for the best results.

Combine exercises

When we are able to do two different actions at the same time, that is a good way to develop more muscles in a shorter time. For example, we can combine squatting with weights and a shoulder press at the same time. This combination will develop the muscles of the shoulders, the upper body, lower body and the legs. If push ups and leg lifts were to be done simultaneously, muscles of the arms, shoulders, abdomen, back and legs would all improve.

Total sculpting exercises do take a little time to perfect. However, it pays off time-wise, once the synergy of the routine has been mastered. When time permits, the body can be sculpted in segments by doing the upper and lower body, abdomen, hips, legs, arms and, shoulders individually.

Dr Kenneth Gardner is an exercise physiologist at Holiday Hills Research Center; email: