Gold brings smiles to family

Published: Tuesday | August 18, 2009

Ryon Jones, Online News Writer

Shelly-Ann Fraser's mother, Maxine Simpson (left), and grandmother, Phedalia Simpson, celebrate after watching the youngster's gold-medal-winning performance in the 100m final at the 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics. - Ian Allen/Staff Photogapher

Just seconds before the race got under way yesterday, Shelly-Ann Fraser's mother, Maxine Simpson, though many miles away, was heard giving instructions to her daughter.

"Focus, sweetheart. Don't think about the race, just think about yuh self. Once yu get up out of dat block, it done, it done baby. Yuh coming home wid the gold!" she shouted. There was no apology for interrupting the peace and tranquillity of the gated Port View community in St Andrew, yesterday.

Shouts of "Thank yuh Jesus! She did it!" had neighbours scurrying out of their abodes to investigate what was happening. Realising what had happened, neighbours joined in the celebration. Simpson was now jumping and screaming.

Those were the scenes after Simpson watched her daughter registering a blistering 10.73 seconds for victory in the 100-metres final at the 12th IAAF World Championships in Athletics in Berlin, Germany.

The drama began even before the start of the event, as when the commentator introduced Fraser for the event, her mother's remark was, "Shelly-Ann Fraser, do yuh best." And that she did, as she raced to a new national record.

"I wish them all the best. Wwhereever my daughter finish, I give God thanks," Simpson commented, prior to the start of the race.

When the race began Simpson broke loose.

"Come, Shell! Come, Shell! Come, Shell! Yes, yes, girl yu did it! Thank yuh Jesus. Mi love yuh, mi love unnu. Mi waah go Waterhouse now," she said, almost imitating the extreme joy on the face of her daughter a world away.

"I spoke to her this morning (Monday) and I told her. 'Shell, yuh must pray, put God before and I know He will bring you through'. And she said 'Mom, anything a anything. I am going out there to do my best'," Simpson said, trying to explain her daughter's frame of mind.