Published: Sunday | August 16, 2009

Is there an 'orgasm pill' for women?

Q Doc, is there such a thing as an 'orgasm pill' for women? If so, where could I get it? My problem is that I am a 32-year-old woman who is suddenly having great difficulty having an orgasm. I cannot understand this, because all my adult life I have been able to without any problem.

When I was with my first husband, I could have an orgasm maybe three to four times each night. But then he left, and I was on my own for several years.

Now, I have met a new man and we are planning to get married. The only problem is, so far I cannot have an orgasm when I am with him.

Doc, it's not that he doesn't know what to do. He is an older man and very experienced. He understands about the clitoris, and all that stuff.

But several nights a week, we have sex and I just can't have an orgasm. I can't seem to get near to a climax.

So please help me, Doc. If I knew where I could get some of those 'orgasm pills', I would send off for them right away.

A I am very sorry to disappoint you, but there is no such thing as an 'orgasm pill'. Science has NOT yet invented a tablet that will make a man or woman have an orgasm.

There are medications that are alleged by their manufacturers to increase desire, in certain circumstances. However, there is absolutely no tablet that will make a woman climax. The person who eventually invents such a pill will become very rich!

Now, I must say that almost every time I have seen a female patient who has lost the ability to reach an orgasm, the reason has been an emotional one. In most cases, the unfortunate woman has been unhappy in her relationship with her partner.

Does this apply to you? You do not say anything about loving this new guy. Nor did you say anything about being happy with him.

All you tell me is that you cannot have an orgasm when you were with him. That strongly suggests to me that something is not right with your relationship.

Therefore, I urge you to go and see a counsellor or therapist as soon as you can. And I am sorry to say that you must forget about the idea of 'orgasm pills'. There are none.

Q I am a 38-year-old man and I recently got a small supply of 'Viagra 100 milligrams', through the Internet.

Since then, I have been using it a lot. There have been several days when I take it at breakfast, have sex with a 'professional woman' in Kingston. I take another at mid-day, and then have multiple sexual intercourse with a woman who I know, also, in Kingston.

On one occasion, I even took a third Viagra in the evening, so that I could have a successful date with another girl.

The great thing about the little blue pills is that they always work. But I am wondering whether they could be harmful?

A They certainly can. To be honest, I think what you are doing is crazy.

The maximum dose of this drug per day is 100 milligrams. You are sometimes taking three times that! This is asking for trouble.

Viagra is a powerful medication, and no one should use it without first having a check-up by his doctor.

So, I think that you should see a doctor and explain what you have been doing. Maybe, he should also check you for sexually transmitted infection!

I have not been able to determine whether you actually NEED Viagra. Do you have any potency problems - in other words, erectile dysfunction?

If you DON'T, then it is folly to take this strong drug, with its potentially serious side effects.

Q Doctor, I really don't like meat very much. But my mother says that every young woman should eat it, because it will give her iron.

Is this really true?

AWell, all females who are in the 'menstrual age group', from around 13 to 50, do lose a lot of iron during their periods. This is because of the fact that iron is an important component of blood.

And that monthly loss of iron is the reason why so many women become anaemic (weak-blooded). So, all females in this age group need to make sure that they get an adequate amount of iron in their diet.

Scientists have determined that women need around 15 milligrams of iron per day.

Here are some of the foods that can help you achieve this:

An average portion of liver contains around 10 milligrams of iron; An eight-ounce piece of beef contains about four milligrams;

A boiled egg contains around one milligrams;

A bowl of 'iron-fortified' cereal should contain about six milligrams.

It is also possible to obtain some iron from leafy, green vegetables. But the amount is not as much as you would get from meat.

And one thing that is not widely known is that you will get a valuable intake of iron if you cook in iron pots and pans!

If possible, you should try to eat some meat.

However, always remember that an alternative source of iron could be iron tablets prescribed by your doctor. Some strict vegetarians 'top up' their iron supplies by taking these.

Q I am a 38-year-old man, and I have noticed that after I make love once in the evening, it is increasingly difficult to do so a second time.

Should I be worried?

ANo. Studies by American experts have found that not many men in their late 30s can have sex more than once in an evening.

Admittedly, there are exceptions to this rule, and there are some 38-year-olds who can have an orgasm three times per night, or possibly even more. But they are unusual.

Q I am a married woman, and I recently went to London to see my family.

While there, I met a very nice English man at a party. I know what I did was wrong, but later that night I let him give me oral sex. Nothing more occurred.

Doctor, do you think I could have risked getting a sexual infection?

AIt is uncommon to acquire a vaginal infection from receiving oral sex (cunnilingus).

Nevertheless, I feel you should see a doc for a check-up.