Miss Jamaica World profiles

Published: Wednesday | August 12, 2009

Name: Kandi King

Sponsor: Miss Jergens

Age: 22

Body Stats: 32-25-35, weight 107 lbs, height 5' 6"

Kandi attended Hiram College (Ohio, USA) where she made the dean's list while obtaining a bachelor of arts degree in business management. She has a passion for playing the piano and has had the honour of being awarded distinctions by the Associated Board of Royal Schools of Music in Grades One and Three, and merits in Grades Two, Four and Five.

Her professional ambition is to own a conglomerate of businesses that will have a positive impact on the welfare and development of the Jamaican society.

Kandi is a big admirer of Stevie Wonder. His ability to conquer the music industry and overcome all other obstacles as a visually-impaired musician has evoked a sense of 'I can achieve anything' in her.

She says what she most enjoys about the pageant are the development and deportment skills which are being taught plus the numerous business opportunities and friendships that being a contestant in Miss Jamaica World affords.

Kandi says she considers herself an erudite, spirited and cultured person, qualities that epitomise the true Jamaican woman.

Name: Lesa Gayle WeeTom

Sponsor: Miss Dunn's Electrical

Age: 20

Body Stats: 32-22-34, weight 115 lbs, height 5' 5"

Lesa Gayle is no stranger to beauty pageants, having copped the following titles: first runner-up - Miss Hollywood Teen USA, second runner-up Miss Jamaica Florida and second runner-up Miss Miami Tropic.

Currently, she is enrolled at Florida Atlantic University, where she is a national honour roll student on a Barita Scholarship. This beauty also speaks Spanish fluently.

Her five-year plan is to gain her degree in broadcast journalism, host her own television show and chair her own charity organisation. She would also like to pursue fashion design and launch her own clothing line.

Like most persons who wish to pursue a career in media, she would also like to meet Oprah Winfrey. Lesa Gayle most admires Oprah's work in charity and her success as a media icon.

By competing in the Miss Jamaica World pageant, she has been enjoying the experience of meeting new people and going to new places. However, winning the crown would be the icing on the cake. If she wins, Lesa Gayle says she would aim to be a role model for the less fortunate.

As someone who loves to give back, her proudest moment came when she was given the opportunity to travel to four different countries on an all-expense paid trip. But instead of accepting the offer, she donated the value of the trip to a single-parent family whose house was up for foreclosure.