Jamaica Gleaner News
Published: Monday Tuesday | May 19, 2009
Reparations committee gets started

Ras Junior Manning, from the African Millennium Council, says the Government has shown some maturity in establishing the National Commission on Reparations, but begged that it not remain a 'shop-talk commission'. "The Government is showing some maturity... Read More...
Can a substitute sponsor be used?
Q: I read where you outlined the procedure and that it could take up to 12 years to sponsor a brother or sister, if approved.I was advised that you have to have a certain salary to sponsor someone. Read More...
Innocence Shattered
Q: I am a mother whose daughter was molested by my husband - her stepfather. I never saw it coming. The ordeal began when I was pregnant with my second child. I was bed-bound due to fibroids and my daughter was 16 at the time and attending high school. Read More...
Recently, Jamaica joined the rest of the world to celebrate World Hypertension Day. Nearly one billion people worldwide have high blood pressure and many others do not know that they are affected. The condition has developed into a global epidemic... Read More...
JAVA tipped for tourism award - Dogsledding Jamaican to receive special prize at chamber of commerce ceremony
The Jamaica Association of Villas and Apartment (JAVA) will this year be the recipient of the St Ann Chamber of Commerce Tourism Award for service to the tourism sector. JAVA, formed in 1967, represents more than 300 private villas, condos and cottages islandwide... Read More...
Ministry addresses new US labour laws
Minister of Labour and Social Security Pearnel Charles met with 78 private recruitment agencies on Thursday. The agenda was to inform them of recent amendments to the Regulations of the United States Departments of Labor and Homeland Security to guide the placement... Read More...
Prime Minister Bruce Golding and other government officials are scheduled to travel to Mandeville this evening for the first in a series of town-hall meetings that the Government says are designed to encourage direct dialogue... Read More...