The pain of motherhood

Published: Tuesday | May 12, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

As I read through the Flair Magazine of Monday, May 11, and absorbed the written tributes to mothers and the joys expressed by those whose children have excelled or are excelling in various spheres of life, I could not help but think of the others who have been less fortunate and for whom Mother's Day is more about the 'pain of motherhood'.

These are the mothers who also raised their sons and daughters in Christian homes, set good examples, worked hard and tirelessly to provide for them and harboured hopes and aspirations that they would make them proud some day, but for some reason, things went horribly wrong.

For these mothers, Mother's Day is a stark reminder that, despite their best efforts, on this special day, no one will call or visit; no card or flowers or gift will arrive and no lunch or dinner date will be set. Their children are some place else - incarcerated; living on street corners; eking out a living in far away places; ravaged by their love affair with mind-altering drugs; prostituting themselves in dark corners and cowering with shame, daring only to show their faces under the cover of darkness, and I could go on.

Love them regardless

But, these children have mothers too. Mothers who never forget them, mothers who hope and pray every day for a miracle. Mothers who have no choice but to love them, regardless. You and I know women who are mothers of such children and perhaps, in the euphoria of the day, you forgot to call - your friend, your sister, your niece, your neighbour.

Your call, small token or act of love may have dulled somewhat the pain of Mother's Day. So, let's salute them too - you still have time to place a call, or send a rose - and make a difference in their lives.

I am, etc.,


Eustis, Florida