Jamaica's 'pregnant' men

Published: Monday | March 16, 2009

Buff Bay in western Portland is the hub of political activities. The constituency goes to the poll on March 23 to select a new member of Parliament. - Norman Grindley/Chief Photographer

Have you noticed that many Jamaican men look pregnant? It is now common to see men whose swollen bellies make them appear pregnant. They have what I describe as the male pregnancy syndrome (MPS). Obesity has replaced cigarette smoking as the commonest preventable cause of death in the world today and MPS is a particularly common and dangerous type of obesity.

MPS has a great deal to do with the soaring incidence of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease and circulatory problems. It also contributes to a group of common metabolic disorders like high levels of cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid in the blood. Even other seemingly unrelated conditions like chronic fatigue, erectile dysfunction, snoring and sleep apnea are also related to this kind of obesity. Medical research suggests that a man with a waist measurement of over 39 inches will increase his risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease by over 500 per cent!

Of course, women who are not truly pregnant can also develop this apple-type obesity. Their buttocks, legs and arms may be normal but they display the protruding abdomen of MPS sometimes accompanied by large breasts and neck. They carry the same risks as their male counterparts.

However, pear-shaped (versus apple-shaped) obesity is more common in women, with fat accumulation in the lower abdomen, thighs and buttocks. This kind of fat is mostly located beneath the skin, is less active metabolically and represents excess stored calories. This is a less dangerous pattern of obesity and is associated with fewer medical problems.


MPS involves an accumulation of fat on the upper body from the neck to the abdomen, often without the arms, legs or buttocks being involved. We also know it as 'beer belly' or 'big gut'. This excess fat is not just located under the skin. It accumulates inside the abdominal cavity, covering and infiltrating the internal organs and is associated with the serious medical conditions mentioned above.


Many obese men (and women) commonly develop diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, abnormal blood cholesterol, triglycerides and uric acid. Medical research has clearly shown that they are not really suffering from many different disorders. All these conditions have an underlying basis, a metabolic and hormonal imbalance called the 'metabolic syndrome' or 'syndrome X'. MPS is a major part of this problem. Sadly, many of these people are treated with a long list of drugs for each complaint without any attention being paid to the underlying cause. This is bad medicine.


The liver is particularly prone to be strangled by the excess MPS fat, creating a condition called fatty liver disease. Although not well recognised and rarely talked about, this fat is an even more common cause of liver disease than alcohol. It is a well-known cause of cirrhosis in both men and women. The fat around your waist may well be poisoning your liver as well.


Abdominal fat cells are not just globs of fat. They produce hormones, particularly the female hormone oestrogen. The more fat around a man's waist, the more female hormones he is likely to produce. To add insult to injury, as men age, their bodies begin to convert more and more of their male hormone, testosterone, into female hormone, oestrogen. To top it off, a fatty liver is less efficient in removing this excess oestrogen from the body. So as men get older and pregnant, they have more and more female hormones and less and less testosterone. This hormonal imbalance, leads to a lowering of his libido (sex drive), erectile dysfunction and poor sexual performance.


The usual recommendation to lose weight by just cutting back on food consumption is often inadequate in dealing with this kind of obesity. The individual may lose some weight (often muscle) from their arms, legs, neck and face with relatively little loss of fat from the abdomen. I use a highly effective nutritional approach. Much of the epidemic of abdominal obesity is due to the over-consumption of carbohydrates, especially simple and refined sugars and starches. This plan deprives the body of excess carbohydrates, causing the system to burn the fat stored in the abdomen. This programme focuses on fat loss rather than just weight loss. Because it helps you reshape and contour your body while retaining your muscle mass, it is sometimes called shapeworks.

A shapeworks coach is equipped to do a body analysis that calculates your percentage of body fat and your ideal body weight. Based on this information, the programme is then customised to suit your needs. This is the most scientific and effective way I know for healthy fat reduction.

A major emphasis is placed on optimal protein intake with added vitamin and mineral supplements to ensure balanced cellular nutrition. Keen attention must also be paid to a generous intake of water and fibre from fruit and vegetables.


Abdominal exercises alone are not effective in dealing with MPS. Make nutritional changes your first priority. Then, I recommend 30 minutes or more of brisk walking, three to five times weekly depending on your fitness level. A more comprehensive exercise programme can then be gradually introduced.

Let's get rid of MPS in Jamaica!

Email Dr Anthony Vendryes at Vendryes@mac.com or listen to An Ounce of Prevention on Power 106FM on Fridays at 8 p.m.