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Jamaica Gleaner Business
published: Friday | May 30, 2008

Rodney Davis sues C&W Jamaica - Telcoms claims former boss breached authority
Rodney Davis, terminated last year as chief executive officer of Cable and Wireless Jamaica, has sued his former employers to recover £201,840 (J$28 million), or half of what he said was the agreed settlement when he was shown the door in August 2007....

Bernal recommends deputy as successor

Richard Bernal, the Caribbean Community's (CARICOM) lead trade negotiator, is promoting his deputy, Trinidadian Henry Gill, as his successor as head of the Caribbean Regional Negotiating Machinery (CRNM) in July."I have recommended that he replaces me...

Chang leaves T Geddes Grant - Michael Subratie takes over

Anthony Chang has stepped down as managing director of T.Geddes Grant (Distributors) Limited, the Desmond Blades-controlled distribution firm, saying that he is going into private consultancy. Chang, a one-time president of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) ...

JIIC heads to Dominica - Seeks a piece of growing insurance market

The Jamaica International Insurance Company (JIIC), the insurance subsidiary of the GraceKennedy group, has made a foray to the eastern Caribbean island of Dominica where it hopes to gain a toehold JIIC's bosses see as a potential market for health tourism-related...

Carreras gives shareholders big windfall - Paying out savings after tax-case ruling

Carreras Limited will dole out to shareholders - including its parent Rothman Holdings - almost all of the $3.5 billion it had set aside to pay as penalty on a tax assessment, but only a tiny fraction of which the courts held it was liable....

RBTT, RBC deal gets central bank approval - June 16 new merger date

RBTT Financial Holdings Limited (RBTT) has now received approvals from banking regulators in seven jurisdictions, paving the way for the merger deal with Royal Bank of Canada to be consummated in mid-June. In a stock market filing, RBTT said central...

Company review - Rural Water Supply Limited, poor accountability

Carib Engineering Corporation Limited (CEC), started April 1983, is wholly owned by the government and was set up to implement the Yallahs Pipeline Project that was meant to be the first phase of the Blue Mountain Water Supply Programme. CEC's role was later expanded...

IDB backs Jamaica's action plan with technical support

The Inter-American Development Bank on Thursday approved technical support for Jamaica to assist with implementation of a medium-term plan to improve public sector management by transforming its planning and financial systems.The IDB is providing US$1.6 million...

Gas retailers report one-tenth drop in sales - Edwards says summer will be challenging

Gasolene retailers are reporting a 10 per cent fall-off in sales volumes at the pumps and expect the situation to worsen in the height of summer when schools are out and traffic volumes decline. Errol Edwards, president of the Jamaica Gasolene Retailers Association...

Dual citizenship and Jamaican democracy (Part 2)

How Jamaica treats dual citizenship in choosing legislators is important.Does the population think so? We don't know. But some people feel it is a major issue. Readers confirm this. One says while the column on the matter "attempts to display balanced arguments...

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