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Jamaica Gleaner News
published: Wednesday | April 16, 2008

Crime-ridden Clarendon cries for help
AN INFLUX of social intervention programmes is needed to counter the swelling murder rate of the central Jamaica parish, Clarendon, stake-holders say. Clarendon, synonymous with bauxite, has in recent times become notorious for violent crime. Fifty-one murders have been committed there...

Children need more from Budget - Report - No serious increase in five years

Total expenditure on children in the Jamaican budget has not increased significantly over the last five years, according to a trend analysis by the Social Investment for Children Initiative (SICI). According to 'A Review of Social and Economic Investments for Jamaican Children'...

Updates on some controversial police shootings

A 19-year-old pregnant woman, Tian Wolf, was shot and killed by the police on September 18, 2007, during a demonstration in Yallahs, St Thomas.The Bureau of Special Investigations (BSI) said it completed the investigation and sent off the file to the director of public prosecutions (DPP)...

Traffic fine compliance limping at 30% in 2008

A plunge in the compliance rate of traffic fine payments has been blamed on delays in the judicial system, as well as the failure of Government to track offenders. Traffic fine payments have fallen from a high of 80 per cent in 2007 to a low of 30 per cent since January...

Jamaicans urged to take part in fighting crime

Acting Minister of National Security, Senator Dwight Nelson, has said Jamaicans must become a part of the effort to reduce crime and violence in the country. He noted that, while there have been concerted efforts to deal with the scourge, including expanding and reinventing the police force...

Advocacy, love the name of the game

In recent months, we have had perhaps the widest expression of views possible on the issue of abortion. The leaders of our Government and opposition will eventually make a collective decision based on a conscience vote. Many are seeking to influence their hearts and minds. ...

Abortion will earn God's wrath

THE EDITOR, Sir: Abortion is illegal in this country and it should remain that way. Abortion is defined as 'getting rid of the foetus before it is fully developed as a baby'. As the definition clearly implies, you are, therefore, killing God's creation.

Termination is morally wrong

THE EDITOR, Sir:I strongly believe that abortion is wrong.I am concerned about those who have been impregnated by rapists who view abortion as an escape hatch, especially for those enduring economic hardships. They do need our love and care.

When trouble comes

Charles Dickens, in his A Tale of Two Cities, expresses the contrasts of life. He wrote: "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season...

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