I strongly believe that abortion is wrong.
I am concerned about those who have been impregnated by rapists who view abortion as an escape hatch, especially for those enduring economic hardships. They do need our love and care.
But, I do not think it is wise to go the route of abortion because of unplanned pregnancy, even due to sexual abuse. I believe there is a better way out; I might not feel the pain they go through, but I do acknowledge it.
The Bible tells us it is God who first made us. Therefore, He is the one who gives life, and has the power to keep it and to take it back. You see! God already knew us before we were ever born. Yes! He knew our ending before our beginning, and even chose us before the foundation of the world.
The psalmist David said, "My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the Earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in Thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were none of them." (Psalm 139: 15-16).
God has a plan for everyone, even the unborn. I, therefore, urge the relevant authorities to reconsider carefully before amending the laws governing abortion.
I am, etc.,
Junction, St Elizabeth