JFF under heavy fire from 'the Ranger'

SERIOUS QUESTIONS are being fired this week at The Jamaica Football Federation, as Maurice "Ranger" Walker explores the issues of an increase in ticket costs for matches held at "the office". In his weekly sports column on www.Go-kingston.com 'the...

640 companies in arrears with HEART/NTA contributions
APPROXIMATELY 7,202 employers made three per cent contributions of $1,706 billion to the HEART Trust Fund for the period 1999/2000. This represented an increase of $98 million or 5.7 per cent over the previous year. The HEART Trust/National Training...

interruption insurance when should I buy it?

QUESTION: MY family and I operate a hardware store in rural Jamaica. Friends tell me that I should buy Loss of Profits Insurance. Can you explain how this kind of insurance operates? Is it essential for our business or, is it something that we can do...

Grace, Kennedy to involve
employees in corporate goals

CHAIRMAN AND chief executive officer of Grace, Kennedy & Company, Senator Douglas Orane has pointed to the efforts made by the company to align employees' actions with the group's strategy, in his Interim Report to Stockholders for the period ended...