Consumers cannot absorb telephone rate hike
THE EDITOR, Madam: THIS IS a public letter to Minister Paulwell.
Time for principled resistance to C&W
THE EDITOR, Madam: THE OBSCENE increases in the cost of local telephone calls granted to C&W by the Government must be met with similar per cent decreases in telephone usage by the people. It is time that Jamaicans make a determined and sustained...
Gleaner picture inspires hope
THE EDITOR, Madam: AT A time when the news from Jamaica almost always appears to be bad, I wish on behalf of Hope Partners to congratulate The Gleaner on its efforts to present balance in its reporting of the news.
To appeal or not to appeal
THE EDITOR, Madam: I REFER to the recent editorial published in your newspaper of Friday, July 21, under the title 'Frivolous Appeal To Privy Council'.
Politics still affects employment
THE EDITOR, Madam: I WOULD like to speak to Martin Henry's piece, "Is the JUTC a PNP-affiliate?" Mr. Henry seems to be in an apoplectic and imbalanced state at Danny Robert's assertion, inter alia, that "I am going to defend PNP for a fourth term.
Columbus did not build the chapel
THE EDITOR, Madam: THANK YOU for reminding us of the anniversary of the founding of Spanish Town. However, the headline of the article on page 2 of the issue of today, 27 July 2000, on the Cathedral of St James, built on the foundations of the ancient...
Make judges more accountable
THE EDITOR, Madam: NOW THAT it seems certain that we will have a long overdue Caribbean Court of Justice, we must now concentrate on the establishment of a system that produces judges of the highest calibre for that bench and a most efficient support...