Patients are dying in pain!
The majority of Jamaica's cancer patients are dying with uncontrollable pain because many doctors here are reluctant to prescribe the powerful painkiller, morphine - Dr. Dingle Spence, consultant in oncology and palliative medicine.
Managing pain at The Hope Institute
THE 40-BED cancer-care centre, The Hope Institute, located in Elleston Flat, Kingston, was established in 1963 and remained privately owned until the 1970s when it was taken over by the government.
Infection control in the dental office
I NFECTION CONTROL is the process of protecting patients, as well as dentists and their staff, against the spread of germs in the office.
Victims of domestic violence
SHE LEFT work early that afternoon. He trailed her as she drove into the service station. He pulled his pistol.
Microdermabrasion or chemical peel
READERS' FEEDBACK Hi Doc, I read your article in The Gleaner and found it interesting. I would like to get some more information on the Dermabrasion and Chemical Peel procedures.
'Marginal' meats in the diet
READERS' FEEDBACK A reader asked our nutritionist "if there are any nutritional benefits (or risks) in eating foods like cow foot, pig trotters, liver (those kinds of 'marginal' meats".
When the bee stings
MOST BEE or wasp stings cause unpleasant local reactions with redness, temporary pain, swelling and some itching.
Short and heavy on top
READERS' FEEDBACK Hi there, My question is, I'm short and very heavy up top (breast) and smaller in the legs. I am currently on a weight-loss programme which is very slow, I eat healthily sometimes but feel I should be doing more.