Jamaica Gleaner News
Published: Monday Monday | December 28, 2009
Preserving tradition - Jonkonnu dancers find it hard to remain viable

Screams pierced the air like sharp knives, high above the sounds of fifes and drums and even a grater that created music for dancers in colourful costumes. Children, teenagers and even adults were sent running; they were afraid... Read More...
A year of 'His Story' - review and feedback
Another year of telling the stories of Jamaican men has elapsed. And it was indeed a pleasure, though, some of the contents were not so savoury. I wish to present more stories next year, as The Gleaner continues to give a voice to the voiceless... Read More...
The woes of journalism
As the year comes to a close, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) has reported that up to December 1, 136 journalists were sitting in jail cells worldwide and 68 had been killed in 2009. Read More...
My son is ill... but my boss doesn't care
Q. I am so stressed out. I am a secretary who has a low salary and a high volume of work. My boss is so horrible. I have a son with an illness and after working at the job for three years and doing late hours, my boss is so insensitive to my son's illness... Read More...
I'm not worried about dancehall
So a couple weeks ago I was singing Mavado's House Cleaning and our older daughter, who will hit double digits early next year, said: "Daddy, I'll soon tell you what that song means, OK?" I said I was cool, implying that I would stay in my adult ignorance... Read More...
Can we ever be too protective of our children?
A mother's love and protection for her child is instinctual, and aggressive when necessary. I cannot speak for men, but I'm sure it's almost the same. That being said, the female gender does have a reputation for being a bit more neurotic ... Read More...
Don't neglect your children
Child abuse, like the hair on the head of Medusa of Greek mythology, has many ugly heads. Neglect is only one of them and it continues to expose its repulsive self in the Jamaican society... Read More...