Jamaica Gleaner In Focus

Published: Monday Sunday | December 6, 2009

Voodoo economics or duppy story?
With the public's attention now drawn to Jamaica's unique economic experience of having an economic meltdown in the midst of an unprecedented global economic expansion during the 1990s, much name-calling, scapegoating and buck-passing on all sides of the issue can be expected. Read More...

Debating interest rates
Recently, there has been much public discussion about a high-interest rate policy versus a low-interest rate policy with some commentators declaring that the time is right to shift from a high-interest rate policy to a policy of low interest rate. Unfortunately, this discussion is taking place with little appreciation of the principles of economics. Read More...

Is our press biased?
The journalism profession may be the least introspective of all professions. Arrogance and complacency are occupational hazards, even when cleverly concealed. Journalists ask tough questions of everybody, except themselves. Quick to criticise and lambaste, they bristle when mere mortals 'attack' them... Read More...

The cost, benefit of government
On or around September 27, Bruce Golding said, "I took a decision a couple of months ago that I was cancelling all my overseas travel for the second half of this year, with one exception, and that is the Commonwealth heads of government meeting which is to be held in Trinidad." Read More...

When sex equals violence - not love
The new Sexual Offenses Bill was finally passed in the House last month without too much fanfare. (By the way the authorities at Gordon House and the Ministry of Justice need to do something about creating a usable Website which provides access to up-to-date information.) The new law is the product of much debate and advocacy... Read More...

Peace, order and prosperity on Dodo Island
There is a Pub Café Jamaicain in Mauritius. The hot spot at Grand Baie, a major tourist centre on the north coast of the tourist island, has a French language advertisement on the tourist map which features the Jamaican flag, and, you guessed it, the iconic international face of Jamaica, Bob Marley. Read More...

'We're heading in the wrong direction'
The following is an excerpt of a speech by Richard Byles, delivered at the annual awards banquet of the Jamaica Institute of Engineers at The Jamaica Pegasus on November 28. Read More...

God's second greatest gift to mankind
The following is an excerpt of a speech given at the National Library's 30th Anniversary Awards Dinner. Read More...