Looking good for your interview

Published: Sunday | November 22, 2009

The safest route to go when preparing for a job interview is conservative dress.Some experts advise investigating the dress codes worn at the target business place before the big day, but if the code is casual, you will be expected to come to your interview in better style.

However, before one gets into clothing and accessories, you should understand from now that your attire and accessories will not include cell phones, Ipods, numerous rings and other jewellery.

On the morning of the interview make sure as well to avoid being seen with coffee, soda or water in hand. If you really need to refresh yourself on arrival, pay a visit to the ladies or men's room for a breather and a quick check of sweat marks. Cover tattoos with suitable clothing.

professional appearance

In general, men are advised to wear solid colours in navy or grey, long-sleeved shirts, belt, tie, dark socks, conservative leather shoes, little or no jewellery and a neat, professional hairstyle.

Properly shaved, you should limit your use of aftershave and make sure you have neatly trimmed nails. Carry with you a portfolio or briefcase

For women, the advice is also to wear a suit in conservative colours such as navy, black or dark grey. The suit skirt should be long enough so you can sit down comfortably without having to drag at the hem repeatedly to keep your legs covered.

The blouse worn with the suit should be in a matching or suitably contrasting colour.

Women should also wear conservative shoes instead of sexy heels. Limit jewellery and avoid dangling earrings and numerous bracelets.

Your hairstyle should be professional as well, as opposed to dancehall style.

If you wear stockings or pantyhose make sure they are in neutral colours. Use make-up lightly as well as perfume. Ensure nails are neatly manicured, clean nails.

Knowing that you are dressed will also increase your confidence which will be needed to convince the interviewers that you are the man or woman for the job.

A portfolio and or a solid colour, well-made bag will complete your look. Avoid pretty plastics that detract from your professional image.

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