Jamaica Gleaner News

Published: Monday Sunday | November 22, 2009

Poor, broken & missing - Majority of children abducted since the start of the year come from families that fall within the lower socio-economic groups
WHILE Recently released data from the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) show an upward swing in Jamaica's poverty line and a reduction in the number of people going hungry, a strong link is being made between missing children and poverty levels. Read More...

Missing and ignored - Despite desperate calls, few subscribe to Ananda Alert
WHILE MORE children continue to go missing, most of the approxi-mately two million cellular phone users are still giving a 'dial tone' to an urgent call to play a... Read More...

Is debt restructuring now a feasible option for Jamaica? (Pt I)
THE DOWNGRADE of Jamaica's sovereign credit ratings by rating agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) in quick succession, first on August 5 to CCC+ and, more recently, on November 2 to CCC, both with a negative outlook ... Read More...

Looking good for your interview
The safest route to go when preparing for a job interview is conservative dress.Some experts advise investigating the dress codes worn at the target business place before the big day, but if the code is casual, you will be expected to come to your interview in better style. Read More...

'Omar, we want answers'
IN AN address to Parliament on November 3 on the dismissal of then Bank of Jamaica's (BOJ) governor Derick Latibeaudiere and the resignation of Commissioner of Police Hardley Lewin, Prime Minister Bruce Golding, referring to... Read More...

Della looks beyond 'City Lights'
DELLA MANLEY is familiar with the view from high in the hills where Nomdmi is, looking down from a related property, Nyumbani.The two are related not only by proximity but also through their owners, Nyumbani once being the home of... Read More...