Jamaica Gleaner In Focus

Published: Monday Sunday | November 15, 2009

Ellington's objectives
When Owen Ellington joined the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) as a teenager in 1979, there were 351 murders that year. Read More...

Do gays have a choice?
It's nigh impossible to conduct a cold, rational, dispassionate discourse on homosexuality. It's not just the religious fundamentalists who seem hardwired for irrationality and emotionalism. Read More...

Fighting a losing battle?
When Bruce Golding was National Democratic Movement (NDM) leader, he pledged to eliminate garrisons. Put him in power, and he would end the pernicious system that loads constituencies with party die-hards who violently intimidate opponents. Read More...

Impact of global financial crisis on Ja
I am reminded of a simpler and gentler place in time. "Forty shilling words" were words that were not spoken in polite conversation, but spoken when one is offended. "Ah gwine tell him two 'forty-shilling words' and pay de judge." Read More...

Independence of powers
Back in the 1990s, Edward Seaga's Jamaica Labour Party (JLP) proposed that Jamaica's central bank be independent from the executive and a constitutional provision be made to balance the Budget in order to curb deficit spending by the executive. Read More...

Role of CCJ in new democratic governance (Part 1)
The debate on the embrace of the Caribbean Court of Justice (CCJ) has been waged long and passionately. But, so far, it has been confined to the issue of whether or not the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council should be displaced in favour of the CCJ. The badge of sovereignty and the crown of independence in our nation states demand its implementation. Read More...