Jamaica Gleaner Lead Stories
Published: Monday Wednesday | November 11, 2009
UTech snubbed! - Government rejects university's bid for Trelawny Multi-purpose Stadium

Delay has finally turned into denial as the Government has officially rejected the University of Technology's (UTech) ambitious plan to transform the Trelawny Multi-purpose Stadium into its western campus. The Government's failure to approve - before the start... Read More...
Jamaican takes UK youth football by storm
A 14-year-old Jamaican schoolboy is taking English football by storm and attracting the interest of many of the top clubs across Europe. Raheem Sterling has dazzled the English football world with his prodigious talent, with many persons claiming that at 14 he shows... Read More...
Top cop set to shake things up - Acting commissioner goes to bat for more stringent screening
Shortly after arriving at Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF) headquarters in St Andrew yesterday, Owen Ellington settled behind his desk in the commissioner's office to start a busy day. Ellington, 47, temporarily holds arguably the most challenging job in Jamaica.... Read More...
Officers back Ellington for Commish
The Police Officers' Association (POA), which is all officers above the rank of inspector, threw their support behind the acting commissioner of police in a solidifying move to rally support for him and his Strategic Priorities which he outlined ... Read More...
Spencer recants - Admits that reports about a shortage of bags and the reagent to store blood are true
Minister of Health Rudyard Spencer has admitted that there is a shortage of blood bags and the problem is worse than reported in The Gleaner yesterday. The Gleaner report quoted acting head of the Blood Bank, Dr Joy Taylor, as saying the bags would be in the island... Read More...
Gomes calls for CDA boss' resignation
Carolyn Gomes, executive director of Jamaicans For Justice (JFJ), is calling for the resignation of head of the Child Development Agency (CDA), saying she has failed to make positive changes in her role at the helm of the institution after six years.... Read More...
Finsac enquiry puts BOJ under the spotlight
Drawing on the lessons of 15 years ago when Jamaica's banking and insurance sector almost failed, the first session of the Finsac Commission of Enquiry dealt with the corrective measures which took place as a result of the crisis... Read More...
Lions centre makes disabled feel at home
At the heart of the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona, is a place that students with various disabilities call 'home' - the UWI-Mona Lions Centre for Students with Special Needs. Run by the Office of Special Student Services, the centre is viewed as a model... Read More...
North Jamaica Adventists to host camp meeting
The North Jamaica Mission of Seventh-day Adventists is inviting the public to a camp meeting themed 'People of Hope Fulfilling the Mission' on December 16-19 at the Madge Saunders Camp and Conference Centre in Tower Isle, St Mary. The guest speaker will... Read More...
Jamaica becomes fifth CARICOM country to join Rio Group
WESTERN BUREAU: Jamaica is now the 25th country, and the fifth Caribbean Community (CARICOM) member, to be accepted into the prestigious Rio Group. Prime Minister Bruce Golding expressed pleasure at the acceptance of Jamaica into the Rio Group ... Read More...
Seiveright new G2K president
Delano Seiveright is the new president of Generation 2000 (G2K), the group of young professionals affiliated with the Jamaica Labour Party (JLP). Seiveright becomes the fifth president of the organisation, after being elected to the position... Read More...