Jamaica Gleaner Commentary

Published: Monday Monday | November 9, 2009

EDITORIAL - Making straw menof JCF 'imports'
Occasionally, the measure of the performance of a manager is not the profit he immediately returns for the company, but the losses he prevents. The firm he inherits may be that bad. This is the perspective from which we view the Jamaica Constabulary Force (JCF).... Read More...

'Hardley' any difference
Rear Admiral Hardley Lewin is the consummate military man. He operated with efficiency within the sphere of the Jamaica Defence Force for 36 years. There is little room for corruption within the military and there is no room for questioning orde... Read More...

Toxic garbage of Gaza/Gully culture
Last Wednesday night, both local television stations carried a news item in which the police were expressing concern about the negative impact of this Gaza/Gully 'war'. Apparently, they have located pins associated with these groups carrying violent... Read More...

Probe cash-rich entities - I have repeatedly informed the public, by way of letters in both major newspapers, of the habit of cash-rich government statutory bodies to lend the government its own money while driving up interest rates with their bids. Read More...