Something extra
Published: Tuesday | October 27, 2009

Left: The fabulous Jackie Bird makes her way to the send-off party for former Air Jamaica pilot, Seymour Knight, last Saturday night at Knight's residence in Ironshore, Montego Bay. Right: The lovely Patricia Sutherland is in perfect stride after collecting the posthumous award on behalf of her aunt Elizabeth Hall, for service in the care of the homeless, at King's House on National Heroes Day. - Photo by Janet Silvera
Errol Holness (right), husband of Dr Patricia Holness, her sister Karlene Grant (centre) and daughter Jodi-Ann Holness (left) smile for the camera as they wait to witness the Ceremony of Investiture and presentation of National Honours and Awards at King's House on Heroes Day. Dr Holness received the Order of Distinction in the rank of Commander for dedicated public service. - Ricardo Makyn/Staff Photographer
Safia Cooper (second left), brand manager of Red Stripe, and Renée Wong are tickled pink by something Troy Hyllam and Duaine Campbell (second right), have to say at Impy Skimpy, part of the Red Stripe Bold Escape weekend, at Richmond Estate over Heroes weekend. - Contributed
Celebrating his 49th birthday at the Fiction Club in New Kingston, operator of Twisted Kilt in Montego Bay, André Dixon (left), grabs a photo opportunity with the world's fastest man, Usain Bolt. - Contributed
Usain Bolt signs a pair of track shoes for Miss Jamaica World 2009, Kerrie Baylis. These shoes will be auctioned at a Miss World 2009 event to be held in London in November. Each country participating in this year's contest will present a gift for auction and proceeds from the auction will be donated to underprivileged children in South Africa, venue for the 2009 Miss World pageant finals next month. - Contributed