MY DOWN TIME WITH ... Alan Barnes

Published: Sunday | October 4, 2009

Alan Barnes

He's the new general manager at Red Stripe, Jamaica and Commercial Director Beer for Northern Latin America and Caribbean. Since taking up the job, he has been learning about Jamaica and we sought to find out how he spends his spare time.

  • What is the title of the last book you read and what made it so?

    A I am a terrible reader as I am a very active person, so I find sitting still very frustrating. It takes me months to read a book, but I do try! I like to read books from or about the country I am in so I have picked up a whole load on Jamaica and its history. I am currently reading The Annihilation of Fish and Other Stories. It's by Anthony Winkler. I love the phonetic way he writes.

  • What CD are you listening to now?

    I love all kinds of music, so I love to have music in every room that I am in or in the car. Music can lift the heart and fill emptiness. Its power over the emotions is huge. I admire all musicians hugely, but I can't hold a tune, even in the shower! My favourites on my iPod for the car are very varied, Johnny Cash, Bob Marley, U2, Bruce Springsteen and Kenny Rogers. My children, Aimee and Emily, are always educating me - with Lady Gaga, Britney, Katie Perry, etc.

  • Where was the last interesting place you visited and why did you find it interesting?

    I am like a small child when it comes to the world. I am fascinated by every little thing I see absolutely anywhere. Places that are interesting or memorable are usually so because of an emotional as well as physical connection. All the places I get to see are far more special and memorable when I share them with my family. Even the most amazing place is less memorable without sharing what our eyes see. I love Port Antonio and the surrounding area. It is natural, beautiful and peaceful. The small coloured shops and houses on the way into Port Antonio, the bustle in the streets on the weekend. I love buying fish behind the small shops on the outskirts. I love the view of the hills from the north coast road. If you keep your eyes and heart open, beauty is all around and every day is a fascinating adventure.

    I have worked in 31 countries throughout Africa and have some special memories, mostly coloured by the relations with wonderful people and the little things - because ultimately, if you are open to everything, there are no little things, everything is amazing, everything matters in some way, and it all counts.

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