Controversy dogs Marcia Forbes

Published: Sunday | September 27, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

Marcia Forbes is again embroiled in controversy, and one must question why this happens so frequently. When she and the RJR Communications Group parted company there was controversy, with Forbes even taking out a full-page advertisement in the newspapers to say how great she was at what she had done.

When she and others were replaced on the board of Air Jamaica there was controversy again for, unlike other board members who left quietly, Forbes went on a media blitz to say what she had done and to level criticisms at other people at the airline.

controversy, yet again

When she was hired by the Government as permanent secretary, there was controversy, yet again, because Forbes was seen as a political appointee in a civil service job that is supposed to be free of politics. After a few months, the same Government saw it fit to reassign her to another position but she quit instead. This time she has again gone on a media blitz, saying that she left the job because the transfer didn't suit her.

According to Forbes, the job put her in potential conflict should her private company and a government company both having to bid for certain jobs. This argument seems disingenuous for she had the option of recusing herself from contract decisions that could put her in conflict.

She has again gone on a media blitz, from talk show to talk show, to say what a rough time she had with the government job. I agree with the letter writer who wrote about Forbes, saying, "What a woman!" Yes, indeed, what a woman!

I am, etc.,


Kingston 5

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