BEAUTY - The cellulite eraser

Published: Monday | September 7, 2009

Sacha Walters, Staff Reporter

Cellulite Eraser from Jencare Beauty Farm is a new product which promises to smooth the dimples of cellulite. - Ian Allen/freelance Photographer

Cellulite is an unsightly bother to women of all sizes; from plump to skinny.

The products and treatments available to counteract the bumpy hill and valley formations under the skin are as varied as the women. The information on possible causes and treatments are also as varied, making it difficult to identify a remedy, as many women still complain they can never find something that eradicates them.

Local spa and beauty experts at Jencare Skin Farm are joining the fight against cellulite with a new product, the Cellulite Eraser.

Formulated and produced by the company, the organic and hypo-allergenic potion which promises to smooth out the skin is just one product in the spa's new line.

Cellulite is the gathering of fat under the skin, which experts say is distinct from the fat found in other parts of the body.

Heat treatments

Some researchers believe it may be hereditary or even hormonal. Others believe that some creams and even heat treatments can make a difference. Some believe that exercise in conjunction with treatments decreases the look of cellulite. It is commonly visible on the buttocks, back of the upper thighs, stomach and upper arms. While more commonly visible in women, a smaller group of men do get cellulite.

According to the company's customer representative, Fiona McDonald, applying enough of the gel-like Cellulite Eraser to the affected area twice per day will give results.

Once you get the desired results, the product will still be useful.

"It can be used for maintaining," explained McDonald.

The Cellulite Eraser is available at Jencare Skin Farm and costs $3,029 including GCT.

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