Published: Tuesday | August 25, 2009

What's up with the bird?

1. Those close to the negotiations say the bird could be sold. However, it is not going to happen under the current regime. Many people do not want to part company with this powerful entity. For some people, they fear the power would be diluted. But who will take responsibility when everything comes crashing down?

Big medical bill

2. They say the politician is facing a huge medical bill in 'foreign' - where prominent people are usually rushed in order to seek medical help. A hat is being passed around right now to garner funds to pay off the debt.

Surviving wars

3. Who can believe the vicious rumour that the estranged wife has been 'going out' for her young rival? Some people swear that the wife, who has been through several wars and survived unscathed, has been making some early-morning visits to an obscure address in rural Jamaica and her sudden acquisition of certain oils cannot be explained.

Fresh with two!

4. He is having the best of both worlds. The wife is living in Florida and she ain't coming home anytime soon. The babymother is in Kingston and keeps him warm at nights. Every now and then he pays a visit to Florida, gets refreshed and he is back at work feeling like a king.

Public secrets!

5. The sisters had a huge cuss-out recently when the figures one discovered that her husband was having an affair with the beauty queen sibling. All kinds of family secrets were hung out to dry. The neighbours were excited to share in their own little pantomime from their living room.