Class Acts: Nain Primary and Junior High

Published: Friday | August 7, 2009

Graduates of Nain Primary and Junior High School in St Elizabeth observe the proceedings of their graduation ceremony on July 5. - Photos by Noel Thompson

Neshka Brooks accepts an award from Shirley Madden, an educator. She was one of two female GSAT awardees.

Educator Jennifer Jones presents an award to graduate Nardia Blake.

Principal of Nain Primary and Junior High School in St Elizabeth, Basil Bennett (third right), is flanked by ninth-grade graduates at their school-leaving ceremony. These students were awarded for never being absent from school a single day. From left are Dr Dave Facey (a past student); Wayon Thomas; Erica Powell; Shakeira Palmer and Trudy-Ann Williams.

Horatio Wright, a grade six graduate of Nain Primary and Junior High School in St Elizabeth, receives an award from educator Shirley Madden for being the male student with the highest GSAT scores.

You're A winner!

Shakeira Palmer is the lucky winner of a Sangster's Book Stores gift certificate. To collect your prize, contact Kerry-Ann Hepburn at 922-3400, ext: 6419 or email: