Farewell, Miss Longbridge

Published: Monday | August 3, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

Not many of us are around today who, in our youth, heard wonderful tales about Bustamante and his faithful, competent and dedicated secretary, on whom he depended and whom he finally asked to become his wife - a truly romantic (in the best meaning of the word) tale of heroic loyalty, dedicated, patriotic service and undying love.

Can it not be truthfully said that this woman - Gladys Bustamante, née Longbridge - was a 'ladder' by which Sir Alexander was enabled to climb to premiership, to knighthood and ultimately to becoming one of Jamaica's National Heroes?

I once met her, as the widow, and had a compelling desire to visit with her and to hear from her own lips the story of her life. I did try but was denied this privilege by those who sought to protect her privacy.

Honourable burial

Please give her, in death, an honourable burial beside her husband.

And while we are at it, won't those in authority rescue Edna Manley from anonymity, in that cavity behind her husband, the Hon Norman Washington Manley at the National Heroes Park, and bring her plaque upwards and forward so that she can be seen and revered for the contribution which she made to this society and nation?

I am, etc.,

