Ebony View crying for help

Published: Monday | August 3, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

I have a concern with regard to the inhumane treatment of citizens living in Ebony View, Frazer's Content, Spanish Town.

The developer for the housing scheme is Y.P. Seaton and Associates. The land was to be subdivided and persons living on the land given the opportunity to purchase their house lot. The developer started work on the scheme but stopped in 2007. The community suffers from a lack of infrastructure. All work done on the roads was destroyed by flooding in that year and in addition, the community suffers from a lack of piped water, electricity and sewerage systems.

A lot of land in 2006 was being sold for $1.6 million; in July 2009 the same land is being sold for $1.9 million. The developer is asking for a down payment of 30 per cent and no one can confirm when work will commence on the housing scheme.

The lands are being sold to poor people who could not afford to pay rent, but because they were already living on the land they had built concrete structures. Now, they are being asked to pay millions. Where is the money to come from?

Lease-and-sale agreement

The National Housing Trust lends $1.2 million only for land and furthermore the trust needs a copy of the title, sales agreement, etc before funds are lent which at the moment cannot be supplied by the developer.

The people living in this community are not squatters. They were residing on the land in a lease-and-sale agreement by the person(s) deemed original owner(s) of the land. This is the subject of a legal dispute and is in court. The Government needs to intervene. The people need answers. They need help.

I am, etc.,



Spanish Town