Jamaica Gleaner Arts &Leisure

Published: Monday Sunday | August 2, 2009

The A-R-T in Rasta
The reading on a small, digital thermometer hanging on a juice vendor's stall is 38 degrees Celsius. It's another scorcher in St Catherine and, here on the Spanish Town Bypass, cars are whizzing by in both directions. The smell of exhaust fumes and grass on a nearby field being seared in the heat make for an uncomfortable atmosphere. Read More...

Sunday Sauce - In the spirit
A conflict brews as the bitter scent of young cedar, which escapes from the pushcart vendors' lean and muscular torsos, drenched with sweat, clashes with the rank odour of stale urine. Read More...

Literary Arts - Goodbye Marjorie (Part 1)
He could make out the gungo tree in the yard as dusk fell. He sighed. Tomorrow he would go to his new school, away from the rigours of rural Jamaica to Canada. He could make out his grandmother's figure by the standpipe. She was catching water in a barrel, her bulk clad in her brown housedress. Read More...

UWI Notebook - Putting enough food on the table
Everyone needs food to live. Securing enough food to feed ourselves and our families is one of the most important functions governments have to perform. Recently, Jamaica and other Caribbean countries have been faced with a food crisis involving finding money to pay for food we import as well as finding sufficient quantities of food to meet demand. Read More...

NCU Bulletin - NCU's engineering programme expands
The department of Mathematics and Engineering in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences has expanded its engineering programme by facilitating specialisations in electrical, mechanical and computer systems. Read More...

Should I sell cigars? Values and your career choice
Do you know whether your personal values and needs match your career choice? If you haven't considered how your current job, or the jobs you are seeking, will impact on your day-to-day life and fit in with your personal set of values, then you've missed a major component in your career choice process. Read More...