Armadale smoke had unusual smell - supervisor

Published: Friday | July 31, 2009

Kimesha Walters, Gleaner Writer

Hortense Higgins, the supervisor who was working for the second consecutive shift on May 22, said yesterday that an unusual smell was given off by the smoke that rose from the Armadale Juvenile Correctional Centre on the night of the deadly fire that left seven dead.

Higgins said she heard a sound "like something was losing air" in the dorm and ran up to the window. There was black smoke, and one of the wards jumped through the window and landed on her chest.

"My eyes started burning, and my nose, and I pulled her away from the window and placed her on the grass," Higgins said.

She told the commission of enquiry into the incident that she considered fetching the keys to open the door but could not because she was breathless and her eyes were burning.

"I couldn't manage anything else at that time," she said, shaking her head slowly. Under further questioning, Higgins said there were fire extinguishers at the St Ann facility, but the wards got unruly last year and "let out some".

Dian Gilbert, a correctional officer who was on duty on the night of the incident, also stressed the unusual smell of the smoke.

Living-condition complaints

Both correctional officers said the girls had made complaints about their living conditions.

Gilbert said the door to the dorm was closed on the night of the incident and the girls had no access to the bathroom and toilet while they were under lockdown, as all privileges were suspended.

Additionally, she noted that the water supply was being regulated, and would be turned on for approximately one hour each morning for the 23 wards to bathe, using a single shower. This she noted, along with sharing beds, had caused several arguments among the wards as some complained that others spent too much time in the bathroom, leaving others unable to bathe.

The enquiry, which is expected to last a few weeks, is scheduled to restart on Monday at 10 a.m. with Higgins resuming her testimony at the Council of Voluntary Social Services in Kingston.