Alpart retirees lose health-care benefits

Published: Friday | July 31, 2009

Golden agers who spent their lives toiling in the bauxite industry have been dealt another severe blow as the global economic meltdown continues to unleash its effects on the alumina sector.

Two hundred and fifty retirees who received health-care benefits financed by the Alumina Partners of Jamaica (Alpart) will lose that assistance today.

This means the senior citizens will now have to find alternative ways to finance their medical costs at a time in their lives when they are most likely to be most in need of health care.

A letter to the retirees, dated March 24, 2009, over the signature of Human Resource Manager Alberto Fabrini states: "As you are aware, Alpart took a number of steps this year to maintain the company's operations under trying circumstances."

The letter added that due to the continuing severe decline in the global aluminium industry and the corresponding reduction in demand for alumina worldwide, the company would temporarily cease operations commencing March 15.

Medical plan terminated

However, Alpart said it could only continue to grant health benefits until the end of July.

"As a consequence, the Alumina Partners of Jamaica Medical Plan will be terminated effective July 31, 2009, and medical benefits under the plan for all categories of employees will cease on that date."

The correspondence adds: "Alpart had also extended the benefits under our employee medical plan to our retirees and, as a result, all medical benefits enjoyed by our retirees under the pan will also cease."

The letter states that the management of Alpart fully understands and empathises with the concerns and anxieties that will be felt by the retirees and their families.