Published: Monday | July 20, 2009

Senate passes sex-crime bill

The Senate last Friday passed the Sexual Offences Bill with 28 amendments following more than three weeks of rigorous debate.

The new statute gives a definition of rape, as none existed in the Offences Against the Person Act, which covered sexual offences.

The bill also makes provision for a range of new types of sexual offences, which are not covered under the new definition of rape and makes marital rape a criminal offence.

Witnesses head to Sabina Park

Jehovah's Witnesses will host their annual district conventions at Sabina Park over two successive weekends and are expecting an estimated 6,500 delegates to converge at the event.

The convention will begin on Friday, July 24 to 26 and July 31 to August 2 under the theme 'Keep the Watch!' Witnesses are extending a special invitation to people from Port Antonio, Morant Bay, Kingston, Portmore and Mandeville to the event.

Christopher Tait, the service overseer, says the convention, which dates back to the 1950s, will focus on several issues, including marriage, family and ministry to single persons.