Why not poll victims?

Published: Tuesday | June 30, 2009


IS A poll of all citizens regarding abortion after rape germane? About half are not valid candidates for rape. And about 99 per cent have never been raped. This is hardly an informed opinion.

Well, the majority often speaks for the minority and that has got us into some awful pickles, such as Western slavery and the Holocaust.

Bad for the have-nots

It would, therefore, be interesting to see what women who have been raped have to say about the matter? Will one enter the kingdom of God if in one's heart one seeks to sin but is prevented by the law of man?

Seeing the care given by our society to the children already among us, can one really countenance the concern of most of our citizenry to the unborn?

The haves have always had access to and taken leave of safe abortion. Who will this affect but the have-nots?

I am, etc.,



