The 'smoking' gun

Published: Tuesday | June 30, 2009

The Editor, Sir:

I would like to follow up on a letter 'America's thriving ganja industry' published June 26. It is true: Jamaica is yellow when it comes to greens. We are bombarded and brainwashed with mainstream American propaganda and conservative's hogwash, and failed to make ample use of simple opportunities to make money and constructively employ marijuana in our science, technology, medicine and economy.

Good points

The writer of the above referenced letter made several good points. The first being that "Mendocina County has a large and legal marijuana industry. The growing and selling of the herb is being hailed as the saviour of the county ... Growing marijuana has replaced the failed industries of that part of California".

Our government, on the other hand, would rather tax the life out of us and prolong the archaic ancient policy of prohibition instead of regulating the industry. And time has proven prohibition has done nothing to stop marijuana, much as it couldn't stop alcohol or tobacco once classified as 'illegal'.

I would recommend examining and making case studies of France, Canada, Holland, Mexico and Australia, all countries with relaxed marijuana laws and have not run into the ground or created a nation of unproductive crazy 'potheads' and 'junkies or stockies'.

I am, etc.,