Published: Wednesday | May 13, 2009

Follow the debate online. Here's a sample of the discussion.

On the budget

Stephanie says:

I am frightened at the latest happenings in Jamaica. I am a 35-year-old mother of two. I just got out of teachers' college. I cannot find a job. My husband alone is working. The expenses are stressful. I feel ashamed sometimes to tell my husband that I need money to purchase stuff. This is because I think he is already pressured. Now he will be losing money from his salary come month end. To make matters worse, the increase that he was to get in April did not come through. What is going on? Food prices are so high, electricity bill is out the window, water bill is very high. My head is spinning so fast I can't even think straight. What is going to happen to us?

On the public sector

Deiyana says:

Some public sector workers earn as much or more than the Prime Minister. Some years ago, the Bank of Jamaica governor was earning $9 million a year. It must be much more than that by now. Put that against the Prime Minister's $5.7 million and you will agree that what he receives is no big thing.

On squatting

Wiggins-Barbados says:

Here in Barbados we had started government-housing programmes for the poor since 1949 and all of those units are still in good condition. Some of the original tenants are still in them because we have a good maintenance programme and proper management. We have estates wardens who police all of the estates. We also have people squatting on private and government lands but the ministry of housing is dealing with the matter in order to provide adequate housing and land for them. The ministry of agriculture has also provided land for the landless farmers.

The Government of Jamaica allowed the situation to get out of hand in order to get votes. The Government must build housing estates for lower income earners and put programmes in place to manage and maintain them.

On relationships

Trudy says:

I really don't think any woman should ever get in a confrontation with another woman over a man. What about the self-respect, values and morals expected of a woman? I think it is full time women take a stance. If you believe a man should not cheat and he does, then he goes. I am sorry but if he does it once, trust me, it will happen again.

Can you believe getting into a fight with another woman? What will he think of you? Do you think the man would really stay? No.