Jamaica Gleaner Commentary

Published: Monday Saturday | April 25, 2009

Taxing the dodgers
While Finance Minister Audley Shaw's offer of yet another tax amnesty is certainly dramatic, we cannot help but feel more than a little jaded about the string of efforts to have tax dodgers pay up voluntarily.With public... Read More...

Cricket on the heart
Dennis Norden spoke for all cricket fans when he said, "It's a funny kind of month, October. For the really keen cricket fan it's when you discover that your wife left you in May." - Tony Deyal Read More...

Issue: Time to tax the 'fat' cats
The Editor, Sir: The presentation of the Budget was fairly balanced, but the true question is: Was it the best foot forward?It is good to see the desire for tax reform but will the end-product be the best way forward to debt... Read More...