Cop has lucky escape

Published: Thursday | February 26, 2009

A wrecker tries to remove what is left of a policewoman's motor car. The vehicle was involved in an accident with a garbage truck along Marcus Garvey Drive in Kingston yesterday. - Ian Allen/Staff Photographer

A female cop is lucky to be alive after the private motor car she drove was transformed into a ball of twisted metal, following a collision with a garbage truck on Marcus Garvey Drive in St Andrew.

Eye witnesses say the officer's car was sent tumbling after it was hit from behind by the garbage truck. The officer is attached to the constabulary force's statistics department.

According to the eyewitnesses, the female officer was driving along the dual carriage way towards Portmore when she slowed to negotiate a bump in the road and was hit by the truck.

The officer lost control of the car, which overturned before the garbage truck crushed its bonnet.

Witnesses said the vehicles came to a stop opposite the Jamaica Public Service's Hunts Bay plant.

The woman was taken to the Andrews Memorial Hospital where she is being treated.