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DOCTOR'S ADVICE: In love with a wonderful guy
published: Sunday | April 6, 2008

Q: Doc, I am 37 and I am in love with a wonderful guy. He says he loves me too, and we are planning to get married later this year. First time for both of us!

But I have a big, BIG problem. And he does not know about it. You see, doctor, all my life I have found that whenever I orgasm, I immediately drench the bed with liquid - probably about a cupful. I suppose it must be urine, but it seems a little different.

This is so embarrassing for me, and I have never discussed it with anyone. I first noticed it when I was around 18. I got into the habit of masturbating, and discovered that each time I discharged I 'wet the bed.'

I knew this was not normal, doc, so I avoided men for some years.

Eventually, when I reached 25 I decided to go with a guy. I really enjoyed it, but at the moment when I climaxed, I soaked his sheets.

He laughed and laughed, but did not say anything. I felt so ashamed that I got up and left. I never saw him again.

Since that time, I have been with just two guys. Each time I hoped I would be 'dry' - but I wasn't. So because of my embarrassment, I have gone without sex for the last 10 years.

Well, I never thought I would fall in love, but now I have. And the time is fast approaching when my new guy is going to want me to go to bed with him.

What on earth am I to do, doc? I suppose I could try to avoid climaxing, but that might be difficult.

So, are there pills or medicines I could take, which would stop me pouring out liquid when I discharge? I am sure I am the only woman in the world who has this problem.

A: Poor you. This has been a sad story so far, but it looks as though you are going to have a happy life with this new guy. I wish you both well.

Now, matters are nowhere near as bad as you think. The phenomenon which you experience when you reach a climax is called 'female ejaculation.'

You have been assuming that the liquid is urine. In fact, I must tell you that this may NOT be the case at all. Many scientists now think that when women ejaculate at the moment of orgasm, what comes out is not urine. They believe it is a special secretion from 'secret' female sex glands, which are similar in nature to a guy's prostate gland.

I can also tell you that you are not alone in 'squirting' when you discharge. In fact, female ejaculation is far commoner than you think. Over the years, I have had many letters and emails from ladies who cannot help doing it.

As you obviously have access to the Internet, I suggest that you look up the words 'female ejaculation' on Wikipedia, which is the free encyclopaedia of the net. You will find that the phenomenon of female ejaculation has been written about for many centuries. You will also see that some people believe that it could be due to stimulation of the 'G-spot' - the structure which I discussed in last week's Outlook. You will note that around six per cent of women report that they regularly 'ejaculate in a forceful manner' - just like you.

Now, can anything be done to STOP this female ejaculation? I regret to tell you that that is impossible. There are no pills or medicines that will abolish it.

So, it is likely that during the rest of your life you will ejaculate every time you discharge.

But what you have not realised is that many guys actually LIKE it when a lady ejaculates at her moment of climax. Men tend to think that this is a 'tribute' to the man's virility and skill in bed! Indeed, only last week, I encountered a male patient who told me that he was "proud" that he could make his partner squirt when she orgasmed.

These male attitudes are reinforced by the pornographic stories which many young men read. In these tales, the 'heroine' is often described as 'shooting out fluid' when she climaxes. The readers like this idea.

Now, I cannot guarantee that your new guy will take an enthusiastic attitude to the fact that you ejaculate. But it is essential that you tell him that this is what you do.

If you find it too embarrassing to put it all into words, you could just show him this page from Outlook magazine.

I hope that the two of you are going to be very happy together. But it is likely that you will always have to make love with a thick towel under the bottom. Good luck.

Q: I am a businessman, and recently I visited New York. While I was there, I regret to say I gave in to temptation and had sex with a prostitute.

Could I get syphilis, doc?

A: Unfortunately, syphilis is now quite common in the United States - though most cases are in gay guys.

But going with a prostitute exposes you to a high risk of catching other diseases, like gonorrhoea and urethritis. So please go and get a full check-up this week.

Q: Doc, my mother had something called 'osteoarthritis' in her knees. Does this mean that I am certain to get it too?

A: No. But you should avoid becoming overweight, and also keep active.

Q: I have a new baby, doc. Does alcohol 'come through' in the breast milk?

A: Yes, a little does. So it is best not to drink alcohol when you are breastfeeding.

Q: I am 35 years old, and I have been informed by a doctor that I am in menopause. I do have some vaginal dryness. Is it really possible that I have hit the menopause at this age?

A: Yes, that does happen sometimes. I think you should have blood tests to see what your female hormone levels are. That would show whether you really have hit menopause or not.

If this really is an early 'change of life,' then your vaginal dryness should respond well to a vaginal hormone cream.

Q: My wife and I are trying to have a child, and both of us are in our early 30s. Is it true that the fact that I smoke ganja could affect our chances, doc?

A: Probably. Recent research has shown that guys who use 'weed' produce less seminal fluid than normal and have a lower sperm count. So it would be sensible to give it up.

Q: I am female, and haven't had much interest in sex recently. I am even thinking of buying myself a dildo.

Would this help me?

A: A dildo is an artificial penis. Using one might help you, but I think that it would be more important to have a good check-up from a doc, to make sure there is nothing physically wrong with you - like 'sugar.' After that, I suggest you get some sex counselling from an experienced therapist.

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